Air Cooled Reciprocating Chiller
Chilling PlantThe main purpose of Reciprocating Air Cooled Chiller is to cool the surrounding air. Such refrigeration devices are suitable for serving the larger scale industrial needs.
The Reciprocating air cooled chiller is powerful enough to work for the domestic, industrial or commercial purpose of cooling huge machines and air conditioning.While maintaining high energy efficiency,the Air-Cooled Reciprocating Chillers are suitable to work in extreme tropical weather conditions.
. These are designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with international standards.These equipment are easy to install and operation friendly, backed by the competent engineering team to realize the advantage while being in operation.
Air-cooled reciprocating chillers are suitable to work even the extreme tropical weather conditions, as they are manufactured with the feature of high energy efficiency.They are designed and tested according to the international standards.They are easy to install and are easy to operate.
Air-cooled Reciprocating Chillers:
3 TR to 30 TR (Single Circuit) / 3 TR to 100 TR (Multi Circuit)
Temperature Scope:
(+) 15°C to (-) 60°C